About us

 Newspaper Publishers , TiersNews.com is the portal for input and output of local news and local information will be a minor change. Her plan is to increase local news reporting while maintaining the charm that the Einstein's have installed in the papers for the last four decades. Ms. Van Walterop, has been busy building a team that will be part-time to assist in the transition. She will utilize an Editorial Board, current freelance reporters, staff reporters, and is looking to add new reporters some of which previously worked for Gannett at the Press & Sun Bulletin. She is moving the operations to a more digital footprint to ease production, allow remote work which has become so popular lately, and is currently working to add an online offering for the local papers. The existing office will no longer be utilized as a "drop-in" location to cut expenses as newspaper contact will be maintained through the PO Box 208 Conklin, NY 13748 address, the current phone number, and the different contact emails for TiersNews.com which will be listed soon on the Masthead. "I really did not want to see local papers with such a long history go away, this is a large undertaking and I am relying on many people to assist." stated Ms. Van Walterop. "Subscriptions and Advertisers are what will keep these papers going locally, I hope that we are able to continue them but will be unable to do so without neighborhood support." added Van Walterop

Please continue to submit news, stories, photos, and ideas the way that they have been historically submitted for it is the local patronage and contribution that creates the need for local news sources to exist. This is a classic case of the community will likely benefit more or less from the new formatting, what it contributes to it from an energy standpoint. The printed papers will shift from Wednesday to a Friday delivery locally which will help to fill the news gap from the Press no longer printing a Saturday edition. These papers will be a good weekend read and will expand the offering of information, format, editorial content, and additional new additions as they come up to speed and work towards the next 145 years of publication. Ms. V moved to the area years ago, and remembered her small town central California contributions to news.